samedi 29 janvier 2011

Bad news

Hey guys

First of all let me say that my computer was being fixed so that's why I haven't posted in a while. I'm sorry

But alot has happened since the last time I posted. I'm not going to talk about everything because that would just be silly. Let me just say a couple things that are really important. I'm seeing my friends alot and it's really cool, they help me keep my good mood. Also, I am still with my boyfriend but that's where the bad news lies.

See, his parents just decided that he can't ever have me overnight and he can't come here overnight either. But since he lives 4 hours away, it's a quite annoying to go over there and leave the same day. Basically they made sure we wouldn't see eachother as often as we'd like. It is already difficult to have a relationship with someone who lives far away or with someone when his parents don't agree but a combination of both is really hard. I hope we'll make it anyways and I'll try to come see him on the 12th. We'll see what happens from there I guess.

Let me just say that as much as that situation annoys me, I don't want to give up. It seems that alot of times when I thought I was going to be finally happy, life just slapped me in the face. Well this time it did, but I'm taking it like a man and I'm continuing my journey to happyness. I'm not going to let other people ruin what we have and I don't think he is either. Love is stronger than that. I really hope we can work something out and I think if we do stay together, we'll end up stronger in the end.

I just hate how unfair this is. I don't know if it would have been different if he was straight and would have wanted to invite a girl over. Maybe they would have worked something out or maybe they would have reacted the same way. Either way, I don't think getting in the way of two people loving eachother is not something that should be done, even if it's the name of protecting your child. I mean, his parents will be there, I'm not a big threat.

Anyways, we'll try to work something out so we can still see eachother. I miss him alot but I love him too much to let go.

seeya guys.

4 commentaires:

  1. One question: How old is your boyfriend? Is he an adult in Canada? I know this is a simplistic way of seeing it, but if he is an adult, why is he letting his parents keep him from staying with you? I understand it's their rules in their house. But, your house is not their house.

  2. Hey Luc... Wow... I just left a comment about the way some people still think they can classify an entire segment of the population as deserving of their distain, in one way or another... Thinly veiled bigotry is still bigotry. If your boyfriend is close to you in age, I think your assessment is right- accommodations could/should have been made in a more caring fashion... Maybe, with time, his parents will see you as just someone who loves their son, whether they like it or not. If they persist in treating this as some sort of assault on their beliefs, they will not drive the wedge between you and him, as much as the chasm in thinking that will develop between them and him...

    It will be THEIR loss, at that point.

    Still, this is of little comfort to you... At this point, you're not particularly interested in educating them... They are, after all, supposedly adults.

    But, you may have to, if you are serious about this boy and he is likewise inclined. I think that you are right in the notion of your love persisting and growing stronger with time, if he is in love with you... His parents will hopefully equate his feelings to what they shared, and eventually see the futility of standing between the two of you. I say this because of the way the world is today, Luc... At your age, I lost a young lover (3 years younger than me) because of this very thing... In fact, that boy's parents threatened to have me thrown in jail (being gay was still a crime) or to institutionalize their 16 year old boy in a 'reform' school. Imagine that....

    Despite that, I tried to pursue our relationship for a while, until it became too hard on him...

    It is unfair, but today, kid, you have a much more level playing field at least. As time marches on, the absurd fear and hatred associated with it, is being eroded, as more gay people leave the closet and confront this stuff.

    Don't give up! You, and your boyfriend, have a right to your happiness! luv, tman<3

  3. That's really unfair considering you guys seem old enough for his parents, to not, let you guys be together.. I mean their rules but I dunno it sucks :( maybe the more serious they see you guys get the more rules will lighten. It's good to see that you're not giving up, I don't think I would if I was in your position either.

  4. that's shitty news... but focus on some of the good points, the internet is a beautiful thing, so even if you can only talk to him, you can probably see him... and while it may seem like things won't get better, you'd be surprised how things tend to work out...
