jeudi 13 janvier 2011


Hello guys!

The start of this post will be about a french musical, which if you haven't seen, I highly recommend. It's incredibly good and is posted all over youtube. If you don't want to get bored with it tho, you can skip that part :P (I change topics after the video)

Me and my friends from drama club have been really obsessed with the musical "Notre-Dame-de-Paris" from 1998. We were all pretty young when it toured but we all went to see it with our parents. We all have different favorite characters which is really funny. All of the characters has one of us who love them including the 2 evil ones, Frolo and Pheobus. My personal favorite is Fleur-de-Lys. She isn't very important but is a really interesting character and I found I had misjudged her in my youth. I hated her when i was young because she wanted Esmeralda to die but I didn't realise the implications of what was the norm at that time and the psychology of her character. It was in 1482 and Esmeralda was said to be a witch, hence Fleur-de-Lys wouldn't trust her at all. But the main problem between the two is Pheobus who was engaged to Fleur-de-Lys and left her for Esmeralda before being stabbed by Frolo. Everyone thought it was Esmeralda who had stabbed him tho. Of course if you're a girl and your fiancee leaves you for someone else and than gets stabbed by that person (that's what she thinks happened) you are going to hate that person. Also, it was the norm to kill people for that sort of crime at that time, therefore she only went with what she knew. So yeah, she is not a terrible person and I like the fact that in the musical, she is a girl who can at least stand up for herself but can still forgive people.

Okay sorry about that I really got carried away there :P Here is a video of her song "La Monture" where she tells Pheobus that she doesn't trust him anymore but will love him if Esmeralda is hanged. There's an english translation so you'll be able to understand even if you can't speak french :)

On another subject, I talk to my boyfriend alot on skype and I love every second of it. I'll try to go see him by the end of January but we'll see what happens. Thinking of him helps me alot in drama club tho, when I have to act like I'm in love, I just think of him and it's easy as can be. I'm really happier than ever and my friends are seeing that and are really happy for me.

My sister on the other hand is worried. I'm pretty sure she thinks it won't work out because he lives too far away. She has always been a bit pessimistic so I don't think too much about it. I think she remembers too well her breakup with her ex who lived far away. But just because it didn't work out for them doesn't mean it's not going to work out for us. I told her that but she still seems skeptic about the whole thing. I'll talk to her more about it at some point.

Anyways, that's all I have to say. You guys have a great day :)


2 commentaires:

  1. Hey Luc!! You sound great!! :) I watched the video clip, and at some point when I have a little more time, I'll have to check out the long version on Youtube...

    On the boyfriend front- I know people who met on the internet and are now married or preparing to marry (one of my nephews... this April) and they didn't live very close... My nephew's wife-to-be lives in New Jersey, some 130 miles from him, but he has maintained a relationship for almost a year and a half, and can probably drive the route to her house blindfolded by now!! lol So, it's not that unusual anymore. It just depends on the strength of your love... Well, gotta run, but, I wish you well, kid!! luv, tman<3

  2. Ah, romance. Enjoy my friend! And keep the news coming. If I can't have a life and love, it's nice to read about someone who has both!
