samedi 12 février 2011

Lots of little things

Hey guys!

First of all, I didn't go see my boyfriend in the end, he couldn't have me last minute because all his family was sick this week and they had stuff to do the weekend that they couldn't do during the week

So instead I went to a gay club with my friends and it was pretty cool. I danced like the whore I am... Okay maybe not :P, mostly with girls anyways hehe. But there were alot of things that happened! First of all Julien ended up french kissing some guy he had just met there (that I had met before) and that guy is, I swear, incredibly similar to me, we love the same things have the same kind of friends, have the same opinions, etc. So I thought it was pretty funny, I just hope Julien doesn't end up hurting him...

Also, there was a guy who was being too racy. He was dancing and took off his shirt and his pants and was putting his hands in his underwear. He was being really annoying too. So the security guy asks him to leave and the guy decided it was a good idea to resist. So they ended up fighting a bit and finally the guy got thrown out. No actual punches were thrown tho :P

And finally, the other thing that happened, when we were leaving we go outside and I see a guy that I went to elementary school with who also just came out of the club. So I asked him if it was him and I was right. So we talked a bit, we hadn't seen eachother in like 8 years :P After that, we went home.

That's pretty much it, yesterday also marked the one month of my boyfriend and me being together but we didn't do anything special :P We'll be on skype for valentine's day tho :) Which reminds me, Tman, I had something planned to give him when we saw eachother as an early Valentine's day gift. But I'll give it to him as a late one instead :P Thanks for thinking about it tho.

That's all, seeya guys!

3 commentaires:

  1. Hi Luc!! Geezz, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get together with Alex (I just made up a name for your boyfriend, lol-- I like it better than calling him 'your boyfriend' all the time...:P), but it doesn't sound like you're going to let that sidetrack you!! Good for you! So, maybe his family is starting to wrap their minds around the whole idea, eh?? Hopefully...

    OOOO!! So, you ARE the romantic type!! Of course, the 'something' that you were going to give him, isn't explained here, suggesting that you're being coy, or that maybe he even comes to your blog and you don't want to give away the secret... hmmm... Well, in the event that he comes here, I guess I should say, 'Hi ALex!!! I think you and Luc make a cute couple!!' lol

    Well, OK, I guess that's kind of a stretch and all, not ever having seen a picture or even his real name, but I have a good imagination, and I can picture the 2 of you, snuggled up in a movie theatre, or walking along a riverbank strewn with spring cherry blossoms, so.... lol Yeah, it sounds so nice... I really envy you kid!! :')

    Well, gotta run!! It's a gloomy day here, but I can't let that dictate the day! So, I'd better get some things done, if I'm going to feel good about the weekend!! Say 'hi' to 'Alex' for me!! luv, tman<3

  2. lol I think i'll adopt that name for him for this blog :P he is now known as Alex! But no he doesn't come here, I never talked to him about this blog, I just didn't say what it was just because I'm secret like that :P and that it would be long to explain it, it's something that I know he'll like but other people wouldn't necessarily so yeah... It's cool anyways :P

  3. Haha sounds like quite the evening. It must have been a blast, sounded like you had a lot of fun. That's crazy how you saw someone from elementary at the club, that's pretty cool haha.
