mardi 16 novembre 2010

Feeling younger

Hey hey hey!

So what is going on with my life? Still nothing! I have no one in sight for even a potential date but that's okay!

I don't even care anymore. I just take life as it comes, hell it's much better that way.

In the news tho I got a haircut, which means that I look a bit more like a kid than usually :P, it'S true tho, when my hair is short, I look younger by a lot. But instead of just going like "shit I look too young" I started acting more like a kid to make fun of it. But it actually got me thinking. I am way happier when I act more like a kid, and by this I don't mean being immature, it's hard to explain but I felt more like me than I usually do. Idk, I like redefine my life every now and than and this time I'm actually doing it not for how I look but for how I feel, and that's good i guess...

So with that new attitude, I talked with my friend and we decided to go running together today. Which we did. It was fun and we talked alot. This makes me think, I talked about this guy many many times on this blog, always saying "one of my friends" but he's getting so important in my life I gotta actually make a post explaining who he is. I'll probably do that soon.

Well, that's it, seeya!!

1 commentaire:

  1. I LOVE IT!! What a great frame of mind you're in, Luc!! My philosophy on life, exactly!! I agree that it's a good way to live.. Some people might say it's a version of, 'Don't sweat the small stuff'... It's a less stressful, and therefore, happier way to live... because of that, ironically (or not) you put yourself in a much better place to actually find that important person that you've been looking for... People (the nicer ones, IMHO) seem to be more attracted to this type of attitude, and, why not?? A stable, confident, nice guy is a hell of a lot more fun to be around than the alternative!!

    Keep the conditioning going too, kid!! Running with a buddy (??!!lol) is hard to beat... As for the haircut-- OOOOOO!!!! Bet you look hot!! ;P

    Well, Luc, your post made me hungry... not an unusual condition for me, after a day of heavy work, so, I'll sign off, and leave you with one other thought-- Love will find you, when you're at your happiest with yourself... lol luv, tman<3
