jeudi 18 novembre 2010

Food cravings


Last night I was at school hanging out with Eli and some other people until 11 pm because we felt like it :P and then we leave the school (they lock the doors at that time so we had to) and we walked back to the metro which is not far from my house so that Eli could take it to go home.

After that I walked home but I started having these crazy food cravings. I got home but my roommate was asleep so I was like meh... And i wanted actual junk food which we don't have. So I texted my friend and we went to search for a pizza place. We didn't find any that were still open (it was midnight by then) so we decided to go see if our friend was working because he works the night shifts at Tim Hortons.

We got there and he was actually working so we decided to eat stuff there and he made me special sandwiches that were awesome. While we were there, my friend texted Nick and he came over and hung out with us. We stayed until about 2 : 30 am and than we went back to our homes and went to sleep :P

So yeah, little episode of something that I don't do often. It was weird but idk, I felt like doing something spontaneous!

3 commentaires:

  1. When I was in Newfoundland, I ate at Tim Hortons for breakfast. Not so much for late night. Good fast food.

  2. Ahh... to be a starving teenager again!! lol I used to head out to Denny's with my buddy's at 2 A.M. during the summer months or on weekends when I could sleep in... Great times... of course, at that hour, the cops used to like following us around from time to time, I guess just to prove they could. We were never into drinking and driving, just Grand Slam breakfasts and coffee!! Well, and dessert after that, if there was any around, and at Dennys, there always was !! Sounds like fun, Luc!! luv, tman<3

  3. Sadly I don't know Denny's, being a typical Canadian, I'm really into Tim :P

    Seriously tho, I like it but I don't go often. I go to subway alot more. I only started going there more since my friend started working there. It's a nice way to include him in our little gatherings even when he's working.
