samedi 27 novembre 2010

Underwear guys

Hey hey hey!

I still have alot of work to do and therefore am not living much so there really isn't much to say about what is going on. I am however doing this post because I went to some random store today and I found it kinda funny.

It's actually a really small store that are only open on saturdays. The reason for that is that it's based in the house of the guys (who are a homosexual couple). So what they do is they make clothes for men and sell them to the public one day a week, that's pretty cool right? Well I had never been there before but my dad like goes there all the time.

What I found funny was that to show their clothes on guys they had pictures of hot guys with the underwears they make pretty much everywhere in the store. Not one of the pictures showed a guy with one of the shirts they make or even at least the pants. No, it was all of underwear. I found that kinda funny especially since I was with my dad who didn't notice that detail.

What I found even more funny is when I got home and my mom asks me what i bought (which was just a grey shirt with nothing really special) and she says "Well they are pretty conservative". I kinda had trouble keeping myself from laughing and she saw it and asked me what was funny and I just couldn't explain it.

Anyways, that was pretty funny and I think I'll never go there again, or at least not with my dad lol.

well, seeya!

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