dimanche 19 décembre 2010

My weekend

Hey guys!

I've been having fun in the first few days of the holidays!

On friday night I went back to my parent's house. Than saturday I spent the day sleeping mostly :P I also watched some TV, set up the christmas tree in our living room with my dad and talked alot with my mom. Than we went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. Both me and my mom had read the book but my dad didn't. We all liked it alot, it's probably the Harry Potter movie I liked best so far, although I really liked the 6th.

Today I went to Matt's and it was fun, it was just a normal stay at home day for his family but i was there and Matt's little brother had a friend over also so we were 6 (including the parents) and we played card games :P (I love all types of board games)

So yeah, now I'm back at my parent's and tomorrow I'm heading back to my place for like 2 days.

That's it, talk to you guys tomorrow!

3 commentaires:

  1. Sound's like fun, Luc!! That's great! I haven't seen a single Harry Potter film in it's entirety, tbh... My oldest Godson gives me nothing but grief about this fact, apparently having been weaned on those books/movies... LOL... Actually, I do it just to irritate him, even tho he has no idea!! I even bought him a new release of one of the novels, years ago (please don't ask which...uh, I mean, witch... lol whatever...lol) because he was so into the whole thing, and he offered to loan me his books so that I could catch up... hmmm... lol... I politely refused, and told him I'd prefer eating razor blades than becoming a Potter junkie!! :P

    Ahh, I joke!! I guess they're harmless enough, kid, but, I started to watch one, about 3 years back on HBO, I think, and all the talk about muggles and hogwarts just crossed my eyes and I lasted about 20 minutes- hardly enough to get hooked... thank God... lol luv, tman<3

  2. Winter break. I miss those days. Best part about school was those weeks over Christmas. I loved doing nothing. Have fun.

  3. LOL well of course if you start watching one that isn't the first one you'll get lost! And the books are better anyways :P Harry Potter is what made me start reading really, my mom was so glad! Anyways, it doesn't really matter, I forgive you for not being into Harry Potter :P I like it but not everybody has to :)

    And yeah, winter break is amazing! I just wish it never ends... But sadly it will :( I have to make the most of it!
