vendredi 3 décembre 2010

Welcome December

You guys might know that I hate winter.

I hate driving in winter conditions cuz you have to go slower and be much more carefull, and sometimes you might slip a little and it's scary as hell. Also you it takes more time to leave since you have to get the snow or ice off of your car and it takes a while before your car gets warm...

Also I don't really like winter sports, I like skating but I suck, and skiing is pretty cool but I find it gets old after a while, plus it costs a fortune.

Also its cold as hell all the time.

BUT I welcome december for 2 reasons.

Reason number 1 : The end of school.
I am finishing college this semester so I'll have an actual full semester break when I'm done. This is really exciting and I just can't wait! I'm also finishing quite early this year so all in all, I'm pretty excited!

Reason number 2 : Christmas
It's the same thing every year, everyone is happy, you get to see your family (and I love mine) and friends that you don't get to see quite often. There are also alot of parties but not the people getting drunk kind, the people being joyfull and singing and dancing type. I like them alot more!

Therefore, I want to say welcome December, I love this month. I am just going to be pissed of when January comes along.

1 commentaire:

  1. I'm with you on winter, Luc!!

    I own a construction business... well, let me be clear-- it kind of owns I got rid of my last employee some years back, so, now it's just me!! I like it that way-- more schedule flexibility, less worry about all the problems around employing people, etc... Still, when cold weather hits, the job opportunities narrow. Last year, I had just completed a high end residential kitchen remodel at this point, and had a nice fat profit to fill the coffers... That's a nice feeling, with winter on the doorstep!! Let it snow, eh??!!

    This year, I've kind of hobbled into the end of the year... I've put aside some money; invested some extra, and that's doing well, but... the 'wolf' is at the door, and the little snowflakes are starting to fly, in places not too far north of here... UGHHH... lol Well, that means I'll have to try harder to get a little extra work to tide me over till spring!!

    Christmas will still be fun!! I love to watch my little Godchildren tear around, all excited, full of enthusiasm and wonder, and, the whole family gets together, except for one scrooge (lol), so, that will be great!! So, all in all, a great time of year, Luc... even tho I can do w/o the white stuff!! :P luv, tman<3
