dimanche 12 décembre 2010

Motivation come back!

Hey guys!

I finish school really soon but I have lost my motivation again. I have to do my homework but you know when your not motivated it doesn't go really well...

So yeah, if I don't get it back I'll have bad grades for the projects I have left and I really don't want that to happen you see...

In other news Julien is starting to try to get me again. It didn't work out with the other guy so he's back at trying to get me. I don't know how to react but I am deffo not falling for him again. Seriously, fuck my life.

2 commentaires:

  1. Sorry to hear that, Luc... I know it's not easy, with all the distractions, but, you really need to try to focus and forget about the boyfriend thing for a little bit until the most important stuff is under control!!

    Go back to the things that help your happiness the most... a fallback position, if you will...

    You should be in a stable place, emotionally, when you try to date someone, anyways... If you're feeling stressed from the schoolwork, or life in general, piling on to that with a boyfriend search can be too much for anyone, and, it might translate into picking up the wrong kind of guy, anyways...

    As far as Julien-- yeah, he seems to fit that category... sadly... hang in there, kid!! luv, tman<3

  2. lol don't worry, I'm not considering dating Julien, I don't think he'll ever get me to fall for him again. If I do, well i'm an idiot :P
