mardi 19 octobre 2010


Hey guys!

This is probably the last post that is completely about Sam. Reason why : I am not really close to him anymore.

You guys probably figured that out since I barely included him in my posts lately, usualy only to say he was with my roommate. Well that reflects the reality. He is being very anti-social right now and is that way to pretty much everyone. I've slowly come to realise that he does alot to help out other people when he has a goal to achieve and that those people can help him reach it.

Thats why he did so much for me this summer, because he was trying to date my roommate. Ever since that became a reality. He hasn't been there for me, he doesn't care about how I feel, he barely talks to me. To say it simply, he does the minimal to say that were atleast friends so that he still feels welcomed around me and, more importantly, that my roommate doesn't feel like its pissing me off that he is around.

Thats what is happening right now. I did a little test on my own to find out if he was doing things as my friend for that purpose or so that my roommate would think were friends. I have kept saying to her he was my best friend, while in reality barely even talked to him when we were around eachother while actually talking to him if he initiated it. Result : he doesnt give a shit.

Therefore, I really came to realise that he's an ass, not only that, he's a hypocritical ass. After the experience of the last month or so, I really barely talk to him and dont even want to consider him as a friend. So right now he is my roommate's girlfriend and will stay that way.

PS. I probably won't say anything about that to him, I don't think he cares anyways. We're not close at all and when I feel like talking to someone, I don't want to talk to him so why should I?

1 commentaire:

  1. Been there, done that, kid ( as the saying goes)... It's still disappointing, tho, to come to that conclusion about a friend... Take the high road, Luc, just like you said!! No need to part company as enemies... luv, tman<3
