jeudi 14 octobre 2010



I hope you guys are doing well, I myself am doing pretty good, I have some school work but nothing that bad. BUT I've been talking to Julien quite a bit and it's helped me feel better even if it didn't work out with the other guy. I'm not back in love with Julien tho, we are just talking as friends and its pretty cool, I'm spending the whole day tomorrow with him tho. I'm taking him to his driving exam, than I'm giving him a lift to our friend's birthday dinner and than theres a party at Julien's house, which I'm going to go to.

Anyways, it should be a fun day, when I'm alone with him, its usually always nice, its going to be spent as friends tho and I made a promise to myself awhile ago to never to it with him unless i was actually going out with him. I intend to keep it and i don't think he wants to go out with me and I don't even think I want to go out with him. SO it should not happen tomorrow!

Anyways, I have something with Sam also on sunday and he'll be there at the friend's dinner party so I'll see him quite a bit tomorrow 2, he is also coming over here tonight, he should get here kinda soon actually.


1 commentaire:

  1. good for you, Luc!! I like the way you think!! It's really important to put some thought into the things that can create chaos in relationships, instead of just acting impulsively like some guys, and, regretting it later.... Sex DOES change the dynamics of a friendship, and, it's not always good!!

    Hopefully, you have a fun weekend... I'll look foward to hearing how it went... luv, tman<3
