mercredi 5 mai 2010

I can see the light!

Oh the session is almost over1 I calculated what work I had left and I can see that the end is near!

I have two big projects to do and 4 exams left. After that, it's summer time! Yeah yeah!

This summer is going to be awesome. Once exams are done, I have three days to party like a crazy person, than I go back to my parent's house to celebrate my sister's birthday. She is going to be 21 so I'm telling her to go get drunk in the states :P Than I'm spending a couple of days at my parent's house, and I'm coming back to my place for some quality time with friends, I'll organise that one later. Than the summer starts and I will be paddling/working for like 2 months until school starts again.

It's really going to be awesome and I can't wait, this summer is the only thing keeping me focused right now. If I don't think about how this summer is going to be fun, I don't get motivated to work for school. I really just can't wait until this is all over.

Oh yeah! Maude told me today that she was just realising how there were 3 super great guys in her close friends who were gay. She actually said : Nick is really great looking. Julien is a great dancer and you have a golden personality.

I was like : you know thats what they say to the ugly guys like " Oh don't say that, he's really sweet" and stuff like that. It was funny but it sort of got me thinking, what if people are really not interested in me because I don't look that great. Then I realised that I just wasn't really her type (nor Julien's for that matter) because there are a couple of girls who did try to hit on me without actually knowing me (so it couldn't have been my personality). So yeah, that was alot to say nothing :P

IDK these past weeks, I really feel alone sometimes, I just want to have a relationship so bad and nothing is showing up. I tried really hard to make it work with Julien but there was nothing there and I realised I couldn't have one with Nick in like febuary and now it just looks like I'm out of options. I guess we'll see what happens.

Well I guess I'll talk to you guys later.


2 commentaires:

  1. Hey Luc!! I agree with your feelings about summer! I've always enjoyed the warm months better than the cold ones, so, about now, I can see only warm weather on the horizon, and I love it!!

    Summers are also the best time to meet people... So, stay in the hunt!! If it takes a while, lean on your friends a bit; that's what friends are for... Good luck with the last 4 exams!! luv, tman<3

  2. It's sad but I won't really have time this summer to meet people, I'm pretty much dedicated to paddling during the summer... If I meet someone it would have to be before high school is over.

    We'll see what happens ;)
