samedi 20 mars 2010

Blood donations


Yesterday my friends were talking about going somewhere to give blood, and they asked me if I wanted to come with them. I told them I didn't want to because I was pissed off at their stupid rule (which is true) but I also can't give blood anymore.

In Canada, there is a stupid rule that says a man can't give blood if he's had anal sex with another man. Now that I did, I can't give blood at all, for life.

This is such a stupid rule. Anal sex is pretty much as dangerous for getting STD's as vaginal penetration, buth that's ok... Also it doesn't even say "without a condom" so even if you protected yourself (which I did), you can't give blood. There is nothing about having unprotected sexual intercourses either. So basically they are saying that a man who had sex with another man is more likely to have aids than someone who had unprotected sex with a member of the opposite gender or a woman who had sex with another woman.

The fact that I said I didn't want to go because I was angry at this rule is still true, but now even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to.

I thought about this again because today my mom asked me and my sister if we gave blood. My sister can't because she doesn't weight ennough (which means they would take too much blood and it could be dangerous for her health). I can't because of this but I wasn't going to say that to my family so I just said I didn't want to.

Anyways, there are some stupid rules out there and this one is homophobic... big time! I just hate the fact that those rules still apply.

1 commentaire:

  1. Luc

    I know this rule seems strange and is somewhat unfair but i guess not everone is as safe as you when they have sex and at least for awhile back years ago the odds werent good about aids and the blood supply.

    Google people like Ryan White, he was a boy who contracted aids from from a transfusion. Mayne these laws will change but they are in place because of lack of testing and some bad results

    take care and be safe

