samedi 6 mars 2010

My coming out part 5 : Coming out at my old school

Here's when my global coming out really starts. At the end of the semester, I was thinking more and more about telling people. It was really hard for me to keep a secret like this from my friends. As I was thinking about if I should or shouldn't say it, people started noticing. I decided to give hints, therefore I was listening to really girly songs and stuff like that and saying really typically gay comments just to see who would actually guess.

Well one night, I went to see one of my friends who played in a play. I went there with my other friend who was gay, and that I had just learned had a boyfriend. While we were waiting for the play to start, I told him I found out he was dating someone and I said that he could have told me and that I was happy for him. It was actually the first time we talked about him being gay. Than I asked him how long he knew and he said : "I realised it last year, what about you?"

So he definately knew and we than decided to go talk about it more somewhere after the play, which we did. It was the first time I was talking about it with someone who really was gay. He helped me alot and I was just happy to be really understood by him. The next day I told my friend who had introduced us (she was the best friend of the gay guy) and than I didn't say anything untill the last day of exams, just before our last exam,

I was with Matt and another friend who is kinda homophobic, and that guy was pissing me off a little so I just told him before the exam. That guy automatically thought that I had already experienced anal and stuff like that (and I hadn't, nor did I to this day) but even though he kinda expected it lately, it still made him feel uneasy.

That weekend, the 4 guys of our gang went over to Matt's place to watch the 6 Star Wars. I told the other 2 guys there, one of them was extremely surprised and jumped on the couch yelling "WHAT? WHAT?" and the other one was like " What? you didn't see it coming?" that situation was really the funniest moment of my coming out and yes we stil make fun of him for yelling like that! Anyways, they both took it well and it we had a great weekend.

After that, another one of the girls hosted an end of semester party. There I told all the ones who were there that I hadn't told already (3 people) and there it was, I was out to my friends of that school. But I changed town that summer and I didn't see them much after that. I then had to come out to my friends in the other town, and that was alot harder.

2 commentaires:

  1. Luc

    Im glad you have such great friends and that people your age are becoming so accepting. I now not everyone accepts yet but at least with your generation its better.

    Ive only told people here on the net and well i have met several of the bloggers and its such a hard thing to do to tell people, at least it is for me. My friends in the seventies wouldnt have taken the news so well

    take care and be safe


  2. Honestly I can't even imagine what it must have been like for you, it must be hard to live knowing (or at least thinking) that your friends would reject you if they knew you were gay. I do think that atleast some of them would have been there for you but I am an optimist and I really don't know what it was like back then. Anyways, I hope all goes well for you
