mercredi 10 mars 2010

How it went!

Well I wanted to make this post sooner but my internet died on sunday and I just got it back today (yes those were long days :P)

So yes I went to get him on sunday and brought him to my place where we watched the Simpsons movie. We didn't get far and stopped watching it because we were kissing. At one point we were kissing and I started laughing because of a joke so we were like "yeah let's turn off the TV", which we did. Well this time we went further than last time and took a shower together after and everything. I'm really happy about it now and we do plan on seeing eachother more often for... that kind of stuff :P

BUT he doesn't want to go out with me, before it was because he didn't have anything for me. No he says it's because he isn't ready yet. So for now we are just friends with benefits. Sam doesn't know about this and it's really good. I will try to keep this from him, even though it's really hard to lie to him, because he doesn't like him and that certainly won't help. He also get's jealous when I say his name (he says he doesn't but he does).

I also saw him on tuesday, we went to see a movie. We were 5 friends and me and him both pretended there was nothing going on. We talked a little but not much, like we didn't really know eachother well (we are supposed to have seen eachother and talked to eachother much less than we actually did so...). It was weird though, being around him and almost not talking to him at all. We were also supposed to see eachother tomorrow (another group thing) but he decided not to come so I don't know when I'll see him again. I'm probably not getting any for a while now so I'm back to usual :P. Well that's all about it so I'll post something else later today or tomorrow about a different topic. (And I promise I'll name him soon)


4 commentaires:

  1. Luc

    First of all it sounds wonderful to have someone well who wants to be with you. I can understand his concerns if he isnt out yet

    Sam being jealous the plots thickens even more :p maybe sam just loves you as a friend

    It is sad that you have to pretend though but eh who is better than us at keeping secrets :P

    take care and be safe


  2. Thnx for the updates. Great blog

  3. awww thanks :) Oh yeah bob, I am horrible at keeping secrets, I was good before but now I'm really really bad at it, I'm trying though :P
