samedi 6 mars 2010

Okay, some random things!

Well alot of things happened lately. So it's one big post about lot's of different subjects!!!

Suject 1 : Sam's sexual orientation
Turns out Sam might just actually be bisexual. That's what I thought before, than he convinced me he wasn't and now he is really doing stuff that I'm pretty sure no one who isn't at least a bit bi-curious wouldn't do.

Yeah I told you the thing he did when he might have been hard on me, well he was telling me it was his hip and yesterday I talked to him and he said it was his hip, than said it was his dick and he kept on changing it. He says that he is doing that to mess with my head (which works) but what I think is this : He is probably bi but doesn't want to accept it. He was actually hard on me and said it was his hip, but after he said that he felt bad for lying to me and than started this thing of telling me it was his dick and than saying he was lying and so on to actually tell me, without me being sure of it. I spoke with Maude and she thinks that Sam is mainly straight but also has something for me, which he has problems dealing with. This makes sense because he doesn't want to hug me and stuff when theres people around us, but when it's just me and him he dosn't mind. He was also jealous when he learned that I kinda slept with our friend.

Anyways, our relationship is so weird and it's just getting weirder. I love it though :P. Our friends (mainly Maude) say that its the biggest love/hate/sex relationship you'll ever see (the sex here isn't actual sex but insinuations of sex).

subject 2 : Sam's mom

Well I knew Sam was having problems with his mom and I didn't know all the reasons. Now he told me one more and this one concerns me.

His mom doesn't like me... and guess why? Because I'm gay! Oh yes, he told me this week. He said his dad has gay friends but his mom stopped thinking in the 70s. That's why she doesn't like when he comes over to my place. I wondered why he always had to come home early when he was over here, while when he was at other places he could stay longer. It's actually really sad if the first subject is actually true. I feel bad for Sam because I am one of the reasons he fighs with his mom alot and I used to tell him that he should maybe listen to her more and I tried to make him talk to her more but he actually fights with her for me which is kinda sweet.

Subject 3 : I saw him again

Well if you didn't guess who it was, its the guy I did stuff with. Yeah I saw him thursday after like 2 weeks of not seeing him and 1 week after he said he didn't like me that way. I didn'T really talk to him though, it was during a big thing with like 15 people. I did joke with him at one time when I wanted to pass and he wouldn't let me but thats it. He is still cute though and I'm sad I don't get to see him more often.

Yeah that's pretty much it, Oh yeah I had an exam in math wednesday and got my grade yesterday... I got 100%, I am really happy but that exam was REALLY easy... Hope they are all like that hehe


1 commentaire:

  1. Luc

    Glad tehexam went well but its sad that you cant have a relationship witha gay guy you know and who is cute. I hope another comes into your life

    Sam's Mom (I read all the posts int he order you wrote them so idint know the 70s thingwould come up. I know people like his mom, its sad but true) all i can say is that it make s me think Sam likes you even more than you may think

    And i hope someday he can be honest with you

    take care and be safe

